
Building an acoustic guitar


This page is a translated version of the page La fabrication d'une guitare and the translation is 100% complete.

Details of guitar building. Building of all parts, assembly, bindings and purflings, fingerboard, varnish.

Click on chapters to read the related articles.

Book 2

Building of a classical guitar

First part : Building of the components of the guitar

Guitar building process can be divided into three main steps : the first one consists in making each element taking part of the instrument, the second step is the assembly of the guitar and then, the third, is the finish (set up, varnish).

Chapter 1 : Before starting

This chapter focuses on the materials that are needed for the classical guitar building process, the building of the solera.

Chapter 2 : the soundboard

This chapter details how to make the master piece of a guitar : the top or "soundboard".

Chapter 3 : the neck

This chapter describes how to make the neck of the guitar

Chapter 4 : the sides

This chapter shows how to prepare and bend the sides of the guitar.

Chapter 5 : the back

This chapter is about how to build the back of the guitar

Chapter 6 : the bridge

This part is about the bridge building process.

Second part : guitar components assembly

It's the more exiting sequence : bring all pieces done until now together to make something that begins to look like a guitar !

Chapter 1 : gluing the neck on the top

Chapter 2 : Gluing the sides on the top

Chapter 3 : back assembly

How to glue the back on the guitar body.

Chapter 4 : Bindings and purflings

Making the bindings and purfling, how to prepare the guitar, how to glue them.

Chapter 5 : the fingerboard

How to make the fingerboard, how to glue it on the neck.

Chapter 6 : finishing the neck

Finishing the neck (thicknessing, rounding, etc.)

Chapter 7 : Gluing the bridge

Fixing the bridge on the guitar.

Building a steel string guitar (folk)

First part : Building of the components of the guitar

Book 3 : useful informations

Other usefull informations for guitar building (bibliography, links etc.)